
2018 iT 邦幫忙鐵人賽
DAY 22

鯊魚咬電纜:30天玩Wireshark系列 第 27

[Bonus Day 19] 台灣資安管理法草案 Information Security Management Bill Introduction

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  1. 強化事前預防方面,則著重組織管理層級及權責(如草案第10條建立資安長機制)、風險控制方法(如草案第10條建立政府機關向上呈報資通安全實施計畫)等。
  2. 提高事中應變能力面,則要求「特定」關鍵資訊基礎設施建立通報應變機制(如草案第13條及第17條),並可於通報當下,尋求中央目的主管機關及相關單位提供協助,提高資安事件的應變能力。
  3. 事後的復原確保(如稽核)等工作也必須在資通安全實施計畫載明並實行。




  1. 關鍵基礎設施資安防護:
  2. 國家關鍵資訊基礎設施防護-領域CERT、ISAC及SOC實務建置指引:

The digital revolution has changed every aspect of our lives. We now read news on smartphones instead of newspapers; we greet people on social media more than we do in person; we pay bills online rather than handing in cash—we depend on the internet and information infrastructure for almost everything. Therefore, the security of Internet and information system that supports many of the society’s fundamental functions, called "Critical Information Infrastructure," has become essential in every country.

I. Definition of "Critical Information Infrastructure"

According to Taiwan’s “Cyber Security Management Bill” Article 2, "specific" critical information infrastructures are infrastructures of government, finance, telecommunications, transportation, water, energy, emergency medical care, and science parks. These "specific" critical information infrastructures include both public and private ones, given that an attack on such an infrastructure could have severe national security implications regardless of its ownership. The First Bank ATM robbery in 2016 and the Far East Bank theft in 2017 have showed that a failure to investigate and return the stolen assets in time could potentially cause bank run, disturb financial market, and even lead to national security crisis. Therefore, the Security Services Department of the Executive Yuan drafted and submitted the “Cyber Security Management Bill” to the Legislative Yuan in 2017, which is aimed to help enhance the security of Taiwan’s critical information infrastructure.

II. The content of the Cyber Security Management Bill

The purpose of "The Cyber Security Management Bill" is to "manage" security risks. It defines different levels of security risks and the government’s management responsibilities (Article 9), including prevention, emergency response, recovery, and information-sharing:

  1. With regard to prevention, the bill focuses on organizational management hierarchy (Article 10 creates a Chief Information Security Officer), as well as risk control measures (Article 10 establishes a reporting system in the government).

  2. With regard to resilience in the face of an attack, the bill sets up an instant response mechanism (Articles 13 and 17) and tasks the agencies responsible for governing the attacked infrastructures with responsibilities to assist.

  3. The incident recovery(such as audit) must be included in information security implementation plan and be carried out accordingly.

  4. Any violation of or failure to comply with the bill will be penalized.

In short, "The Cyber Security Management Bill" clarifies the responsibilities of owners and managers of critical information infrastructures in Taiwan. Once it is passed, it will help the government better manage risks associated with critical information infrastructure. We hope this legislation would be a good first step in building a safer and more convenient cyber environment.

[Day 21] Wireshark動作太慢?來試試tshark吧
[Bonus Day 20] 國際資安法:塔林手冊(一)

